I have never seen a sugar glider before. It is on Spencers shoulder, they just got them. They have two of them they sleep in the day and like to play at night. They have big eyes, and skin that can fan out a bit under their arms to help them glide when they jump from one thing to another. They eat pellet food, some fruit and the worst is they eat meal worms...yuck! I didn't want to watch them do that.
Their fur is so incredibly soft, but hey do have sharp nails , they are thin but none the less they can scratch you. One of them crawled up Spenders shirt. They try to get where it is dark, they do not like the light.
This is the cage they live in they have a little black bag that hangs down lower they both Love to be in there all curled up where it is nice and dark. When they get mad or scared they bark similar to a dog.
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