Tuesday, September 9, 2008

updates updates updates

I thought that it has been a while since I posted anything. My foot surgery was a bit more than I had expected. I will try and update you all as this is the big thing in my life right now that I am learning from. This is me the morning we were leaving the house to go to the hospital...hmmm...I look pretty happy for having not eaten anything for hours and hours....I love breakfast, yep Doug and I both get up at 4am shhhhhhhhhhh I know it is not normal. But first thing I have to eat. Yum Yum!!

This next picture we took to try and give us an idea of exactly what my bunion really did look like. If you look real close you can see they wrote on my foot with a purple magic marker the word YES so they would make sure to cut on the right foot.

Hey what is up with this I am still smiling....we had to wait a while for dr. Anderson to get to the hospital. It wouldn't be long now and I will wake up with No more bunion. Little did I realize that this was going to be a bit of a journey.

Doug took such good care of me while I have been recovering he brought me a pear all cut in pretty slices with cottage cheese in the middle. I was trying to hobble out of bed to get the camera, he did not understand what i was doing or saying, he thought the drugs had gotten the best of me. I just wanted to get a picture I thought this was so nice. I love him, he is my best friend.

This is what it looks like as of yesterday afternoon. the stitches have come out and for some odd reason I thought I would be back to my normal activity, but alas it is not so. I have exercises I am to be doing...dugh! they don't seem like much but it was painful putting pressure on my foot. I am being optimistic and I will be walking like normal real soon. I really can't wait this has been much too long for me to just sit and lye down. I guess I am to be learning something from this experience.


Kassie said...

OWWWie! Cute toes. Did you really post this at 3:54am? I'm glad you're aware this isn't normal and I wish you were my neighbor so I could give you the baby monitor. You and my early birds could hang out!
It will get better but STAY OFF IT. A bone can't heal if it's constantly moving (even just bearing weight):)
Dr. Kass

Shaylo said...

Hey Meemaw! How is your foot? Yes you do have cute toes. Your foot looks like it hurts a lot! And ya i hated that fight i couldn't watch the whole thing! Love ya!!!